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Post A Job with US & get qualified diverse candidates

Welcome to CJE Consulting where our mission is to diversify the workforce. We are a rising social impact agency where we strive to help minorities achieve financial security and upward mobility. We are excited to offer job posting services to jobs that are looking to diversify their workspace.

Benefits Of Posting Jobs With Us

Get more visibility

Our dedicated experts will get your job posting in front of massive job seekers and career changes using our unique and resourceful strategies to help your organization reduce its hiring process.

Screen candidates for the right fit

Seeking qualified applicants has never been easier.


Our professional development clients are one of the most diverse job pools out there because here at CJE Consulting, and we work hard to diversify the workforce.

We work with job seekers in resume writing, cover letter writing, and interview coaching that we can endorse for skill-matched career opportunities at your organization. 

Find qualified applicants

If you are an employer who doesn't have time to designate to seeking qualified applicants, look no further.


Posting job opportunities with us will get applicants in record time to fill those positions.


As a well-respected agency, we are professional and dependable in helping job seekers find work while assisting employers in filling positions.

Let CJE Consulting Help You Diverse Your Work Culture

Are you an employer who struggles to retain ethnic minority employees? If you are seeking staffing assistance to help your work cultre reflect diversity and inclusion, look no further because our experts can help you.

Schedule a meeting today to discuss next steps!

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